Tuesday, September 13, 2016


      The resent piece that i have been working on will focus on affection to the self. The two characters, that actually are the same person (doll), are in love with each other even though they are supposed to be one and are of the same sex. I want to create a piece that exposes the self-loving tendency, almost some sort of homosexual-ish emotion, that exists in meand probably in most girls.

      Being aware of the fact that i am straight, not a lesbian, the homosexual love that i have for myself makes me confused sometimes; i often wonder if i am bisexual rather than straight, and have been trying different types of behaviors to figure out what my real gender or gender preference is. This twisted self-loving is an important part of my character that I have never mentioned before but had always wanted to express, so I decided to reveal this trait of me to viewers in the new piece that I am creating.